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Week 7 – Exodus 20:4-6 (Part III)

Discipleship | Joanne Khoo
March 21

Receive and Reflect:

Reflect on your time since you last met. Where has God been working in your life? 

Pray and thank God that His love never fails and He is always at work. Ask that He would speak to you.


Read Exodus 20:4-6

This command comes with a reason: the jealousy of God. It is not a jealousy that is petty or spiteful or filled with undue envy or manipulative control. Rather, it takes to the full extent the sort of jealousy a person would rightly feel for an unfaithful spouse. God’s jealousy is an expression of His covenant love.

  1. Share how you feel about God’s jealousy. How does this ‘fit’ with your understanding of the character of God?

  2. The decision to hate God (i.e. rebel, reject, turn away) has consequences extend to future generations.  It seems particularly harsh in our more individualistic culture. However, our choices – all our choices – have consequences that affect the people around us, and even future generations.

    How might you (re)consider the way you worship and honour God if it impacts future generations?

  3. God gives us an extremely asymmetrical consequence for hatred and faithfulness (i.e. three or four compared to 1000).

    What does this show us about His heart towards His people?

  4. It could be understood from these verses that God is an ego maniac who is coercing people to follow Him by making threats and punishing those who don’t comply.

    How would you answer someone who believed this interpretation? What other Bible verses would you use to broaden and correct their understanding?

  5. How have you been challenged in your understanding of God’s character? Is there any part you would prefer to ignore or change? Are there aspects that confuse or concern you?

    How can you continue to love and trust God whilst honestly continuing to seek deeper understanding of Him? What truths about His character anchor you?


Spend a few minutes in personal reflection. What is the Holy Spirit impressing on your heart?

Take time to share how the Holy Spirit is challenging you. How can you be accountable to each other? Consider keeping a record for the purposes of prayer and accountability.

Pray for each other.