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Week 14 – Exodus 20:12 (Part II)

Discipleship | Joanne Khoo
July 12

Receive and Reflect (20 mins):

Reflect on your time since you last met. Where have you seen God present in a time of need?

Pray and thank God for His faithful presence and continuous work in and for us. Ask that He would speak to you.

Read (20 mins):

Read Exodus 20:12

  1. How would you describe your relationship with your parents? Take some time to share both the things you really appreciate and the things you find difficult in your relationship. (Note the intention here is not to find/create/enlarge issues. Be mindful to honour your parents even as you share honestly.)

  2. We can get used to the grudges and unforgiveness we carry, maybe especially in our family relationships. Sometimes, the difficulties we experience in our relationship with our parents are rooted in past hurts (or perceived hurts) which may be unaddressed or simply unforgiven. Is your heart hardened towards your parents in particular ways? Are there things they “always” or “never” do that you keep blaming them for? Are there events that you bring up again and again?

  3. How can you honour both God and your parents if you feel you have been wronged? How can you move towards forgiveness and reconciliation? (Note there may be situations that are irreconcilable, but forgiveness and honour are still what God asks of us. It may also be that support in the form of counselling is helpful)

Respond (20 mins):

Spend a few minutes in personal reflection. What is the Holy Spirit impressing on your heart?

Take time to share how the Holy Spirit is challenging you. How can you be accountable to each other? Consider keeping a record for the purposes of prayer and accountability.

Pray for each other.