




Our Statement of Purpose

To reach and win people,

develop them to Christ-like maturity,

and equip them for meaningful ministry in the Church

and mission in the world in order to magnify God


作追求聖經真理 , 領人歸向基督的屬神群體

Our Vision

To be a community of God’s people, pursuing Biblical truth and drawing all to Christ.



藉外展活動、 社區工作、福音聚會和宣教工作向外傳揚福音


Our Mission

Edifying believers through preaching, teaching, biblical and theological studies

Evangelising through outreach activities, community work, gospel meetings and overseas mission

Engaging members in worship, prayer, fellowship, life groups, and ministerial work


馬太福音 28:19-20


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


  1. 恪守聖經教導
  2. 殷勤禱告
  3. 真誠敬拜
  4. 傳揚福音, 投入宣教
  5. 以愛和關心彼此契合
  6. 培訓門徒、領袖和牧者
  7. 承傳跨代和跨語言牧養
  8. 融入社區、服務人群

Our Core Values

  1. Adherence to Biblical teaching
  2. Passion-filled Prayer
  3. Authentic Worship
  4. Evangelisation and Mission
  5. Bonding with Love and Care
  6. Training of Disciples, Leaders and Pastors
  7. Multi-generational and Multilingual ministry
  8. Community Engagement





各堂執事會根據教會的整體方針和異象負責該堂的方向, 事工管理和運作。

Our Structure

New Life Evangelical Church is jointly managed by the Church Council, Elders Team, and the Congregational Deacon Boards.

The Church Council is responsible for the overall direction of the whole church and all the matters which cross over from individual congregation level, such as legal affairs, property purchase and policy governance, finance and human resources.

The Elders Team is responsible for the spiritual growth, direction and vision of the church.

The Deacon Board of each congregation will be responsible for the direction, ministry management and operation of the church in accordance with the overall direction and vision of the church.